In God’s timing, thy will be done.


Hey everybody! It’s been a while since I have updated you all and that’s because we haven’t really moved forward on anything yet since we are waiting for the contracts to be finalized before we go over them.

As I’m sure most of you read in a previous blog I had to have my thyroid re-tested because it was elevated. I started a synthroid about a month ago and I recently had to go in to re-test and make sure I was on the correct dose. This morning the fertility doctor reviewed the lab work and my thyroid level hasn’t changed at all so he upped my dosing and also requested I see an endocrinologist here in Rapid City to figure out why my thyroid levels haven’t changed even on medication. Until I have met with an endocrinologist and we can get my thyroid level to what they want it to be, which is between a 2.5-3.0, I won’t be cleared for surrogacy. Right now it’s at a 4.0. This isn’t a huge elevation but it is concerning that a month of medication didn’t even put a dent in that number.

I feel defeated right now because I set myself up for a lot of unrealistic expectations as far as timing goes.

Thankfully, I have a wonderful surrogate support group and an amazing husband by my side to remind me that everything will happen on God’s time. All to often I get impatient and want things to happen right here and right now.

Moving forward, I will remember that all of these tedious little steps are all vital to this wonderful journey I am embarking on with my husband and everything will happen when God is ready for it to happen.

I will continue to keep you all updated! And again, thank you all for the love and support! ❤

Olivia & Ryan

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