6 more weeks…

Hey everybody!

In my last post I talked about having to see an endocrinologist (recommended by the fertility doctor) since my thyroid levels were unchanged even with the synthroid I was prescribed.

Today I saw the endocrinologist and she was so much fun! She was very informative and she was so intrigued by gestational surrogacy. She had so many questions and I love being able to educate people on the topic. When I first started this journey I was scared to openly talk about me becoming a surrogate because it is so rare in South Dakota. I was scared I would be judged and that people would be negative but all in all, I have gotten so much support from so many unexpected places and from so many people.

Back to business! The endocrinologist “upped” my dose for my synthroid and I will go back in for more lab work in 6 weeks to see where my thyroid level is at then. She would like to see it below a 2 before she clears me for pregnancy, which she said should be no problem!

It is kind of frustrating that we took a small step backwards again but it is all vital to the process.

During the next 6 weeks we will be going over a very long contract and hopefully by the end of May we will have an embryo transfer date!

Thank you all for following our journey with us!

Stay tuned! ❤

Olivia & Ryan


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